Want to have the best night at Prom 2022?
Our Fashion Team has some ideas and suggestions for you and your crew to make the most of this special evening. Dive into promposal ideas and give your beau some hints before the big day comes. Get tips and tricks for the best Prom Crazy style - from your hair, to your makeup, to your gown, accessories and nails - and everything in between. Discover some crazy rides and how to best pose for pictures.
Promposals are becoming a phenomenon. This trend puts on the pressure to not only ask someone to go to prom but also be beyond creative as to how you ask at the same time. A promposal is exactly what it says - a public and elaborate manifesto to ask someone to your prom. With the help of social media, promposals have become viral.
Whether you’ve going as a group or you have plans with your significant other, Sydney's has some ideas for you. Here is some inspiration if you are the one asking or if you are the one being asked. We want you to have the perfect start to your amazing Prom night - make it so they just can't say no!

Prom Style Tips
Now that you have your date it is time to plan - what are you going to wear to prom? Will you match your date or your group? Will you go with a theme? What beauty prep do you need to do before the big night? Our staff has thought it through for you - from the budget to appointments to your final look - and the perfect tips and check list for you to bring your magical prom dream to life.
Best Night Ever
A lot of planning goes into any special event and prom is no different. You will need to consider all parties involved (you, your date, your friends, your parents, and more). Think about how you are going to spend the days leading up to prom, prom day and prom night. Make a flexible plan! While you may have an idea of how the night will go, know that things may happen. We have some amazing ideas for you and your crew to think about as you plan for the best night of your high school.