Describe yourself! Tell us about your interests, hobbies, etc...
I am not your average Dreamy Pisces… I am a free spirit who enjoys taking advantage of every good opportunity that life brings me. I love spending quality time with my husband Federico Young and my kids: Azalea, Alexa, and Antonio.
When I am not spending time with my family, I enjoy meditation and writing. As a secondary hobby I try... Key word “TRY” to get back into the groove of lyrical dancing, and working on my technique so that I can audition (In Person) for a NFL cheerleading squad or serve as a cheerleader ambassador! “You’re never too old to turn your dreams into reality.”
Finish this statement: I never leave the house without (give 3 things) ...
- My Wedding Ring
- My Purse
- My Cellphone
Finish this sentence: If I could live anywhere, home would be...
Honolulu, Hawaii

Where do you live now? Where did you grow up?
I currently reside in Woodbridge, VA which is considered NOVA / Northern Virginia. Most Virginia natives refer to Northern VA as being apart of the DMV- District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia.
I grew up in Southgate, California which is a small city outside of Los Angeles -Go Lakers!!!
Did your wedding go as planned?

Nooooo… (Sigh), everything was perfect until my five tier mad hatter wedding cake collapsed… Also, my mother decided she had her own agenda for my reception and interrupted the DJ while the wedding party was being introduced because she said “we forgot to pray before the reception started…” I’m not making this up LOL
Absolutely NOTHING.
What is your go-to comfort food?
My comfort food is Taco Bell Nacho Bell Grande with EXTRA Cheese and Jalapeño.
If you could spend an hour with any Celebrity, who would it be and why?
If he were still alive it would be Sammy Davis Jr. As a child, he inspired me to learn Tap Dancing. I recall watching him tap dance on tv and me as a child watching in amazement and trying to mimic the moves and beats from his feet!

What is your pet peeve about the fashion world?
Shoes that hurt my feet, and peep toe boots.
What is your guilty pleasure?
I love collecting Porcelain Decorative Face Mask.
When not in pageants, what is your job?
I am a Wife, Mother, Doctorate Student, and Government Employee. Since COVID-19 has taken a toll on our environment, I have adopted extra volunteer duties to assist within the community such as: virtual cheerleading coach, online tutor for pre-K and Kindergarten students.
What would you like us to know about your family?
We love a good family night in watching Tyler Perry movies!

What's the first thing you do in the morning?
The first thing I do every morning is tell my dog Pedro to get off my bed LOL… Why? Because he has his own bed but chooses to sneak in mines when I fall asleep…
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In five years, I see myself as Dr. Young

Who is your role model?
My Mother… She drives me crazy, but she is the reason I am the woman that I am today! And of course, my father… He passed away when I was 11 years old from Cancer… He taught me so much before he passed and instilled in me the importance of being a leader at such an early age in my life… I Love You Daddy!
Anything else you want us to know?
I am a proud Member of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Incorporated! EeeeeYip! “Greater Service, Greater Progress” Since 1922.
In how many pageants have you competed?
How many titles do you have? What are they?
Mrs. Virginia United States 2020
Mrs. Rhode Island International 2018
Mrs. Hampton Virginia United States 2018
Mrs. Hampton Virginia International 2017
Miss Alpha Phi Alpha 2nd Runner up
Miss New Philadelphia Missionary Baptist Church
Current title:
Mrs. Virginia United States 2020
Why did you get into pageants?
I decided to get into pageants after I signed my oldest daughter up for her first local pageant in Norfolk, VA. I wanted to inspire her to become a young lady who gives back to her community through community service, and to dedicate her talents to inspire other young women her age to always believe In themselves no matter how difficult or challenging life could be.
When was your first pageant? What was the experience?
My first pageant was when I was 14 years old, for New Philadelphia Missionary Baptist Church which Is the church I grow up in. The experience was great and gave me the opportunity to experience being a leader to the youth and young adults within my church and community servicing Los Angeles, CA.
What do you love about the pageant world?
Creating new experiences, and meeting people from all walks of life, who all share the same will and determination to help others.
What is your pet peeve about the pageant world?
Packing the wrong shoes… You do a lot of walking and appearances so please make sure you pack CUTE Comfortable Shoe!

Describe your experience being plus size and competing in pageants.
I have never experienced any issues with being Plus Size in the Pageant industry. I wear my size with Sass and Class HONEY! When I step out on the stage You better get ready for all this BABY, because … I come to WORK!
What was the most stressful part of being in a pageant?
Arriving at the wrong airport and not getting your suitcases until the next day because you missed your flight… (that actually happened to me)😢.
Tell us about your Personal Platform Promise.
My platform Helping Hands through Educational Assistance is an organization that assist communities and schools through difficult times, by providing a base of support for students through educational assistance programs. Helping Hands provides students with the supplies and resources for a successful school year, and beyond during unforeseen circumstances.

Helping Hands is under the direction of SupremeEnterprise.
Phone: 202-266-9904
Office: 1775 Eye Street, NW, Suite 1150, Washington, DC 20006
What advice do you have for plus size women or teens thinking about getting into the pageant world?
Make your goal one that is different from others. Figure out what is unique about you and use that uniqueness to influence the world to do good!
Personally, I live by this quote that I wrote for myself:
“My goal is not to fit or blend in with the crowd... My goal in life is to make a lasting impression, A memory you will never forget; the determination and will power that exhibits my existence to society!” – Mrs. Virginia United States 2020

How did you prepare for this pageant?
Establish and write down your goals, what you want to achieve and how you plan to do your job as a Title Holder… Pageantry isn’t what you see in the movies or on TV, its more than glitz, beauty, and makeup… To help plan out my pageant experience I had to treat it as if it were my full-time job… I put in work, developed a team who did not mind assisting with my mission to serve! Once you start to formulate your goals the rest will fall right into place.
What is your favorite memory from the pageant week?
My favorite memory was when I arrived at the Resort and had the chance to finally meet my Beautiful Pageant Sisters for the first time in person.

What is your favorite memory from finals night?
My favorite memory from finals is receiving the award to represent Sydney’s Closet as a Brand Ambassador! It is an honor to have to opportunity to show the world that all shapes, sizes, ethnicities, and cultures are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made!
What are you most looking forward to in the next year as our ambassador?
I am looking forward to showing the world that pageantry is not a “One Size Fits ALL” and Working as an Ambassador for Sydney’s Closet would allow the opportunity to show the world that Beauty is beyond size… It is Confidence, no matter what you wear, wear it with Pride, Feel Beautiful, and don’t forget to SMILE!
Why did you choose this pageant?
The slogan is everything that embodies who I am as a Woman “Beauty, Intelligence, Integrity”.

Want more?
To find out more about Aliciah, follow her on Instagram!
To find out more about the United States National Pageants, click here!

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